
On Being, Meetup October 14, 2014

Our day to day lives are filled with action. Getting things done is the mantra of modern men and women. But how does this relentless pursuit of accomplishment affect the relationship that we have with ourselves? What does it mean to just be?

In this discussion we’ll explore the relationship between the things we pursue and the way we feel about ourselves. How does our being, the very essence of who we are, fit into this equation? Can we tap into that essence without doing anything? If so, does being mean not doing anything, or can action emerge from a deep state of presence with one’s self and one’s environment?

To register, please click here.

Love and Identity Meetup: November 7, 2013

Identity is that collection of attributes that defines how we see ourselves. It is the answer to the question: Who am I? Anyone who has ever seriously asked themselves that question may have found that the answer is not as obvious as one might think it should be.

The relationship that we have with the people we know, the things we do, and the stuff we own paints a very inviting image of who we are. But what happens when those things are threatened or taken away? Who are we then?

How does identity affect our sense of freedom and happiness?  What happens when life seems to fall apart and our sense of identity is rocked?  How do we cultivate a healthy sense of identity?  In this meetup we’ll explore the relationship between personal identity and the world around us.  

To register, please click here.

Life is but a Dream: Exploring the Subconscious Mind in the Movie Inception: September 29, 2013


On September 29th, we have a special presentation from Gadadhara Pandit Dasa on the movie Inception.  This popular, action packed sci-fi movie takes us into the world of the mind, dreams, and the subconscious. We will explore the nature of dreams and try to understand where they come from. The presentation will include a short meditation exercise to visualize the mind.  We’ll wrap up with a discussion about Pandit’s new book, Urban Monk: Exploring Karma, Consciousness, and the Divine.  Pandit’s last presentation on Hindu wisdom in the Matrix movie was awesome.  If you missed it, you’ll definitely want to make this one.

A big thank you to New Work City for generously hosting the event.  If you haven’t been there, it’s one of the best co-working spaces in the city.  Please join us to blow your mind, meet awesome people, and share the love!

To register, please click here.


Gadadhara Pandit Dasa (also known as Pandit) is a monk, lecturer and the first-ever Hindu chaplain for Columbia University and New York University. He speaks at the nation’s leading universities, yoga studios, and retreat centers, inspiring audiences with India’s spiritual wisdom. His unique approach combines teachings of the ancient classic, Bhagavad-Gita, with popular Hollywood movies such as “The Matrix.”

Pandit spoke at a recent TEDx conference at Columbia Univeristy and was featured in the NPR piece “Long Days and Short Nights of a Hindu Monk.” He appeared in the PBS Documentary on the Bhagavad Gita, as well as The New York Times. He is also a regular contributor for the Huffington Post.

The Time is Now Meetup: July 11, 2013

Modern life is a multitasked existence. In our pursuit of productivity, we have perfected the art of constant partial attention such that our enjoyment of the things we do is equally fragmented. Spending time with friends, we think about work.  Working, we wish we had more time to spend with friends.

As we rush to get to the next moment, the present moment often goes by unnoticed.  Yet life is a collection of present moments and time is the medium through which we experience life.  Our relationship with time is a direct reflection of our relationship with life itself.

In this meetup we’ll explore the meaning of time.  Why is it so hard to be present?  How does one cultivate presence?  What is the best way to manage our time?  How is time related to love?

We hope you’ll make some time to join us for this conversation.

To register, please click here.

A Splinter in the Mind – Exploring Hindu Wisdom in The Matrix: June 16, 2013

On June 16th we have a very special presentation from Gadadhara Pandit Dasa exploring the juxtaposition of ancient Hindu wisdom with the hollywood blockbuster, The Matrix. The 1999 sci-fi film explored existential topics such as: who am I? How did I get here? What is the purpose of my life? It also implored its audience to ask the question “am I awake or is everything around me a dream concocted by the mind?”

Arjuna, in the Hindu classic, the Bhagavad Gita, wrestles with these same questions and experiences a nervous break down right before he goes into the most important day of his life. Clips of the movie will be shown as we explore the relationship between this modern sci-fi classic and ancient wisdom and attempt to resolve these age-old questions.

A big thank you to New Work City for generously hosting the event.  If you haven’t been there, it’s one of the best co-working spaces in the city.  Please join us to blow your mind, meet awesome people, and share the love!



Gadadhara Pandit Dasa (also known as Pandit) is a monk, lecturer and the first-ever Hindu chaplain for Columbia University and New York University. He speaks at the nation’s leading universities, yoga studios, and retreat centers, inspiring audiences with India’s spiritual wisdom. His unique approach combines teachings of the ancient classic, Bhagavad-Gita, with popular Hollywood movies such as “The Matrix.”

Pandit spoke at a recent TEDx conference at Columbia Univeristy and was featured in the NPR piece “Long Days and Short Nights of a Hindu Monk.” He appeared in the PBS Documentary on the Bhagavad Gita, as well as The New York Times. He is also a regular contributor for the Huffington Post.

The Virtue of Selfishness: May 7, 2013

Being selfish is generally considered a bad thing, but what about when we’re being true to ourselves?  Can we really be selfless if we’re not happy?  Can we serve others if we feel depleted and overwhelmed?

The greatest contribution we can give to others is our own excellence.  In order to truly give of ourselves, we have to know ourselves – know what we actually have to offer.  What does this mean though and how can we distinguish between being selfish for the right reasons and being selfish for the wrong reasons?

This meetup will explore the relationship between selfishness and selflessness.  What is the difference between serving and pleasing?  How do we truly serve others?

To register, please click here.

Crime and Punishment: April 3, 2013

Justice isn’t the first thing we think about when we talk about love.  Inevitably though, crime happens and our government is confronted with the burden of dealing with it.  In an enlightened society there may be no need for justice, but in the mean time, how can we treat our criminals in an enlightened way?

Modern justice traditionally treats the symptom and not the cause.  We don’t ask, why did this person become violent or why did this person start stealing?  We focus on a binary version of good and bad, guilty or not.  Compassion, forgiveness, and understanding don’t really have a place in the judicial system and the question is – should they?  Can punishment come from a place of love and what does that mean?

In this meet up we’ll explore the meaning of true justice and it’s place in our society.

To register, please click here.

The Wisdom of Love Social: March 24, 2013

It’s amazing how as a group of strangers from all over New York City, we come together every two weeks and have very deep discussions, sharing intimate stories of personal journeys. This time we would like to do a social meetup where we can get together over food and drinks and just have a good time getting to know each other a little bit more.

We ask that you please RSVP and let us know what you can bring to share with everyone.

To register, please click here.

The Power of Faith: March 14, 2013

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” – Martin Luther King, Jr

In my personal experience as an entrepreneur, I have found faith to be the single most powerful capability that I have.  In the face of massive uncertainty, faith has been the driving force that has seen me through.

Faith gives us certainty in the most ambiguous of circumstances.  Faith empowers us to follow our heart, even if we have no idea what the outcome might look like.  Faith keeps us going even in the face of insurmountable odds.

But what is faith and how does one cultivate it?  How does our absolute belief in something shape our experience and define our reality?  Certainly there is religious faith, but what about faith in yourself, others, and the universe?  Is faith just blind belief or a powerful way of overcoming limitations?

This discussion will revolve around our personal experience of faith and understanding the impact that it has on our lives.

To register, please click here.

Living and Loving an Inspired Life: February 28, 2012

This week we have a special guest presentation from Rodrigo Imana focusing on a new way of defining love as a universal need to attain balance. We’ll examine love through the lens of physics and chemistry and explore practical applications in every aspect of our lives: social, family, work, financial, physical, spiritual, and mental. Rodrigo will include exercises that he’s developed to help you to discover your values in life and balance your emotions.

We’ll follow up with an open discussion exploring how to live an inspired life.

About Rodrigo Imana

Born an raised in La Paz, Bolivia, Rodrigo has spent his life exploring the intersection between human potential and the physical body. He’s been a personal trainer at top gyms like Equinox and graduated from the Life Chiropractic College West in 2012.  Rodrigo’s research has included Teology, Axiology as well as human potential as it relates to the nervous system, the human frame and our perception of love and life. In March, Rodrigo is having the grand opening for his new business, Human Potential Chiropractic (, here in NYC.

To register, please click here.